Thursday, December 30, 2010

What a CrAzY DaY

It is December 30th and we are getting rain, all day ....That is a crazy way to end Christmas Vacation
We were suppose to go to Scott & Angie's for New Years but now this rain is going to turn to freezing rain and snow....not so good for driving.  

I hope We can get there on Saturday or Sunday.

Then the Vacation is over and back to school, 2 weeks and then on to  a new semester....and the 1/2 way mark for the 2010-2011 school yr.

If we are stuck in the house all weekend we are definitely going to have to put away Christmas decor and do some cleaning and organizing...It is Time, and we can then Start the New Year off right.

Well, Happy New Year to All, I pray you have good health, happiness, and the Peace of Christ with you every day in all you do.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's finally Here!

Yup, it's here, Christmas sweet it is.  Started it off with a stop at the Crystal w/ Anna and Co-workers for a delicious supper of a Union Burger Basket and a Black Russian...hmmmmmmm that was good.  Had a gass of wine with garlic crackers and cheesey spinach dip. and I am turning in for the night at 8:30 ...sleeping in too! 

I'm off till January 3rd, that is a whole lot of time for relaxing and renewing my mind, body, and spirit.  I am so looking forward to time with my family this Christmas season.  I'm especially looking forward to our new Haggenmiller family get together which this year will feature the ugly or over the top Christmas attire and mexican food....ah   it doesn't get much better than that!   I got Al and my outfitts today at a thrift store in rown....they even match...and I even got it cheap because all Christmas items were half price today...SCORE! 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A little task turned into a big frustration

Have you ever tried to do a simple project that turned into a total fiasco?  This pretty much describes the events of my trying to make a gift for a friend.  After dragging  my ol' sewing machine up from the basement and setting the darn thing up the stupid sewing machine won't work!   No worries, I will simply hand sew the hard can it be....oh crap...that was not easy at all.....I was hoping to have the darn thing done by tomorrow....4 hours later, I realize that aint happening....God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not winter roads, cars sliding in the ditch, broken sewing machines and you know the rest!  Grant me the courage to change the things I can...that would be my attitude.  And the wisdom to know the difference.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

12 days till Christmas..

The snowstorm and cold temps this weekend was a great opportunity to just stay in and bake cookies, clean my neglected kitchen, & finish up some crafts Ive been working on.

I know this to be true, whether I am ready or not, Christmas will come on December 25th, it will not wait for me.  I also know that the Christmas we all celebrate is not about giving or getting gifts. It is a celebration of the "light" that came into the darkness and illuminate the world.  The "light" that lives inside us all. 

I hope in the mist of the hustle and bustle, that you might feel the true spirit of Christmas, bask in the light of Our Dear Savior's birth.  In the gift that God gives to us freely.
This little light of mine....I'm gonna let it shine!