Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! here comes Christmas

There is nothing like a Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings and sitting to the table with loved ones to enjoy it.  I am so very Thankful for God's abundant Blessings, His Love is amazing!

I am looking forward to Christmas, especially this year because, by some miracle, we are all on the calendar for a family gathering of just being together and enjoying a meal.  I pray that it works out that we are able to all get together and just relax and enjoy being together and sharing God's greatest gift of all.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord come into His gates with Thanksgiving~psalm 100

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wanted: Craft helpers ASAP!

So the craft sale is December 2, 2 hours only....Anna and Angie are felting and crocheting away.....Hmmmm What will I make?   Let's see, what do I have on hand....

1- basket of assorted felt.
1-jar of buttons
3 jars of paper flowers.
10-cute stick pins
a bag of plain wire earrings to decorate.
6- beaded flowers with rhinestone middle
assortment of thin yarn for yarn, grey, white, off white, and baby blue.
4- jars of assorted beads for jewelery

Well, what do your think ladies....I really need your help