Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Not Spring break...Snow Day!!!

March 23, 2011 SnowDay!

Doesn't God have a sense of humor ?
Guess who packed up the sweaters and winter gear...yup, 4 days ago.
Then I woke up to snow day.
Works for me, I used the day to get some needed housework done

and some organizing and rearranging.

This is my new quiet space in our livingroom.
My new Ibanez guitar tucks perfectly in the awesome
table/desk that Tim & Anna designed and made.
I can't paint it till it gets warmer, so I covered it with a
golden-satin-material tapestry runner.
Isn't it a warm comferting space?

The chair faces the deck and sliding glass door, a great view of nature from here.

1 comment:

  1. you might get lost in the chair behind that crazy plant. Oh wait.... it's your hiding spot
