Sunday, March 27, 2011

All's quiet on the Home front

It has been a very quiet weekend.  God knows it was needed, after all the sadness and transition of this week.  I planted some more seeds.  I have to step it up a notch as Anna has a whole garden of growing plants in her window sill.  I just have lots of just started seeds and 5 pots of is for Angie and one is for Anna who know what I will do with the others. 

I took some time and went through the bill basket and the old statements...burned the uneccesary items and reorganized the rest.  It makes me feel a little in control when I can organize my home and important items such as bills and statements.

I went to Cambridge on Saturday with Al and Anna and purchased a very cute, but expensive pair of glasses, that I will be sporting for the next 3 years!  It is going to take me that long to pay them off and that is with saving 300$.  I almost went with contacts, but I have dry eyes, bifocal, prone to sinus ailments and infections and am on breathing not even sure that I would be a good canidate for them.

It is 7:20 and the sun is still up. This gives me hope.  Next weekend is forecast to be in the 50's and the family is coming up for a get together before our second son, Shaun and gf, Coley, head off to parts unknown for at least 6 months.  The sadness of Sonja's sudden passing this week, made me realize the importance of getting together with Loved ones more often too 
make some memories...the kind we can hold on to when we hit the hard and sad times in our lives.

To my Family....I Love you, and Thank God, Almighty, that he has so Blessed me with each and everyone of you. 

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