Thirty-one years ago today, You came into the world. You were not screaming your lungs off, you were not healthy pink. You were purple and the neonatal team at the hospital worked for 20 minutes before you pinked up and screamed hello mom! It was after some 12 hours of labor, and some modifications to my anatomy that you came into the world, and my world has never been the same. I often joked that August 12, 1979 was the last time I had 8 full hours of uninterrupted sleep because you were born on the August 13th, 1979. You were always your Dad's lucky 13 I guess.
You have always been laid back and easy to get along with. You are also fiercly stubborn and set in your ways. I guess you have a little of Dad and I both. :)
Well Happy Birthday sweet heart ~We Love you ~ Mom
Good story! Love you Mom, and Dad too!