It is 7:30 pm and it has been storming for 3-4 solid hours now. We need the rain, but not the wind and thunder. I am actually glad that it rained today and not yesterday though. Yesterday, Scott, Angie, Bella, Kate, and even Rosie came to Mora for a afternoon visit.
We grilled chicken and fresh Pineapple. (Angie told me about grilling fresh pineapple, it is delicious, who knew?) We did some walking around our block, and took out the honda 125 for a bit. Then Scott and Angie went to see the movie "Mirror, Mirror), while Al and I and the girls, went to the park. We went to McDonalds too, where we enjoyed 59 cent chocolate ice cream cones.
Today we had church, then I went to the gym for a bit. ( to try and work off some of that ice cream). I got a lot of meal cooking and baking done for the week ahead.
It's going to be a busy week too...I took on a third job till the end of school. So I have something every single day of the week. except for Saturday and Sunday.
I suppose I should stop blogging now and go make my lunch then lay out my clothes for tomorrow.