After a full day of work, then a quick trip to the grocery store for absolutely essential items only, I get home and eat dinner then watch the news. Now it is 6:00 and I have a meeting scheduled for 7pm...that means a 15 minute or so drive back to town and spend 5 or more dollars of gas for an 1 hour meeting.
I really struggle with this lately. The fact that I work 35 hours a week plus 5 hours of total drive time there and add 8 hours a week second job and 2 more hours of drive time....well now we are up to 50 hours a week! I am just not being motivated to leave the house tonight, especially since I need to get things ready for work tomorrow.
I can tell you it isn't looking good for me leaving the house tonight. Then there is the part of me that says "so what, I do what I want"!