Thursday, October 28, 2010

Too much fun!

Last night, after working all day, and bible study, I picked up Anna and we headed to curves, to make Christmas cards.  I was so tired....I think in reality we were all sooooo tired because we were silly. It was so worth the time, money and effort.  We made 3 cards, one was an everfold card, where you get 8 cards in one, by turning it and every turn is another card, pretty cool.  Of course, I was sitting across from Anna, the new Emerill of cards...Bam!  Every time she put another piece on her card, she would shout out bam!  I think she has been working with k-2 too long.  Her enthusiasm and creativity kept us all going.

The cards are awesome though, if I get a chance I will post pics.  This is a week of 4 out of 5 (10 hour days) and all kinds of new ventures.   I will for sure catch up this weekend.  (Scott says if you want to see God laugh tell him your plans!).

Time to scoot, God Bless your day, and keep the sunshining upon you, and give you His Beloved Peace.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm so excited

I am actually blogging from home!   That's right laptop with usb teethered to my internet phone.  We live in the middle of no-where and internet is extremely expensive out here, unless we do the dial up and we all know how that goes....but with Cole's tech help, I figured it out and am now able to blog from home.
SWEET.  Maybe I will even be able to blog more then once a week or so?

Friday, October 8, 2010

It's an absolutely gorgeous day today and I not only had it off work, but also got to spend it with my beautiful Grandgirls Bella & Kate.   We walked to the park (bout 4miles total there and back).  After play at the park, we went to out for Pizza and then to the library.  

Recharged after short naps, we raked leaves, jumped on the jump-o-line, and even played at the swing set in the yard.  Now Mom is home and we are playing while she makes supper....more adventures to follow!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oh come on now!

I have been sick for over 2 weeks and sister, this is getting old!  Yesterday, I even took the day off work.  Using my nebulizer in the day light I realized the doggone thing was not even working...duh!  So I got a new one and in only one day I am already breathing again.

This is going to be a short blog cause I am in town running errands and on the laptop...with $80 dollars worth of groceries in the  back of the van.  Ok you get the drift.   Hope the weather holds and the weekend is good.